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Feldenkrais "Under the Stars"
Summer Series

Mondays 7:30 PM
June 10-July 29

Experience the Feldenkrais Method either in a group or individual setting, with the group option known as Awareness Through Movement (ATM).


Similar to practices like Tai Chi or gentle yoga, ATM classes utilize deliberate, unhurried movements to yield significant benefits in strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. What sets the Feldenkrais Method apart is its focus on integrating these movements seamlessly into everyday functional activities such as efficient walking, safe object lifting, and enhancing posture whether sitting or standing. These lessons also serve as valuable tools for athletes or performers aiming to refine their techniques.


Each session begins from a comfortable position and progresses through slow, subtle, and gentle movements. These carefully curated sequences foster a state of calm and curiosity essential for unraveling habitual patterns of muscular tension and discomfort.


Join me for a weekly in-person Summer class every Monday at 7:30 PM.

Drop-in rates are $20 per session or secure your spot for the entire 8-class series at $120.

Want to try a Class?

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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